Background stories
What happened to Martin's three angels
What happened to Martin’s three angels, respectively how Luigi got to have angels and what happened then. Read everything here.
Fotos Copyright: @ Ann Amann
12. November 2022, 14:19 Uhr
Autorin: Ann Amann
Pha Sai started her four-year nurse training at the Asia-Pacific International University in Bangkok in August 22. But she is spending her semester breaks with us in Chiang Mai.
Chaa and Ni have successfully taken on a new assignment, but I need to elaborate a bit on that:
I met Verena and her husband, Luigi, in May 2020. Verena came to Chiang Mai in January 2020 with her husband, who has Frontotemporal Dementia (a rarer form of dementia), because she could not find a care option for her husband in Switzerland that was acceptable to her. When her husband was diagnosed with the disease in Switzerland a few years ago, she was initially still able to pursue her profession. And at home, a Lithuanian caregiver and friends, cared for her increasingly dependent husband during her absence, but at some point that just wasn’t enough and Thailand seemed the only option for her.
Between Verena and me quickly developed a real friendship – this deep friendly feeling and mutual trust, I previously knew only with long-time friends. Maybe it happened much faster with us because we were in similar situations – wanting the best possible for our husbands, but also looking for a piece of quality of life for ourselves.
Luigi was cared for in a good nursing home with private nurses and Verena moved into an apartment, in the same house as me. We helped each other – shared our worries, but often also had a lot of fun together.
When I was in Switzerland, she regularly visited Martin – he and his angels were very fond of Verena and were always happy to see her. She was also the first contact in case of an emergency when I was not there. What a luck that she came into our lives!

After Martin had left his body, Verena asked me if I could imagine that now Martin’s angels could take care of Luigi. I was unsure, because Martin was clear in his mind until the end and could communicate what he wanted and what not. Luigi, on the other hand, lives in his own world and figuring out his needs was not easy. It takes a lot of time and sensitivity. We talked to Chaa, Ni and Pooh (Ni’s husband). All three want to meet Luigi and spend a whole day with him. After this day the three announce: we can and like to take care of Luigi.
Ni and her husband Pooh move together with Luigi into Martin’s former apartment and Chaa supports them. For Verena, visits are now possible several times a day, as she lives across the street and no longer an hour’s drive away, as before.
I didn’t see Luigi again until his birthday three weeks after he moved in and I am overwhelmed. His whole body language is so much more relaxed and somehow the three angels manage to communicate with him. I can feel a lot of trust and love. In the following time: at the pool, at the Pilates training or simply at dinner together, I am always touched when I see how lovingly the angels deal with Luigi and Luigi beams like I have never seen him radiate before.

Thank you Chaa, Ni and Pooh – you are incredible!