Ann Amann

Background stories

year ago

Martin left his body a year ago – in peace and surrounded by love.

Photos Copyright: Ann Amann

28. April 2023, 13:25

Author: Ann Amann

Today I am in the Andes in Cusco, Peru, with shamans who performed a Pachamama ceremony for Martin, and our friends in Chiang Mai were at Wat Chiang Man for a memorial service to honour the successful transition into his new life ahead.
Ann Amann mit Shamanen in Peru bei einer Zeremonie für ihren verstorbenen Mann Martin
Freunde von Martin halten ein Bild von dem Verstorbenen hoch

I feel so much gratitude

Life is a constant dance of birth and death, a dance of change…. Learning to live means letting go … accepting impermanence … and growing more and more …

… like falling leaves …
… blowing away …
… words disappear …
… and all I can say … is

Screenshot eines Instagram Posts zu Ehren Martins
Click on the picture for more impressions from Peru