Ann Amann

Background stories

Chaa: a loving soul

Chaa is one of those incredibly strong Thai women who carry whole families on their shoulders. After I taught her a few Swiss specialties, she soon prepared them better than I could.

Fotos Copyright: @ Ann Amann

12. Oktober 2022, 11:55 Uhr

Autorin: Ann Amann

After the nursing department at the Vivobene Hotel was closed and Martin did not want to go to another nursing home, it was possible for me to rent a large apartment with a fully equipped kitchen and a view overlooking a green park. It was located across the street from our previous apartment. In December 2020, Martin moved in there with Phasai and Jeely. All three were overjoyed to live in the middle of Chiang Mai again. Everything was close and within easy reach, and it made it much easier for many friends to visit Martin. 

Our friend Sallo called me and tells me that he had heard that I was looking for a cook ( bush telegraph Chiang Mai;-) and if I would like to maybe ask Chaa? 

What a wonderful idea, we have known Chaa for a long time and appreciated her very much – she is married and has two teenage sons. Chaa is one of the best massagers I know and has worked in many great SPA’s such as from Shangrila La Hotel, but she is also a gifted cook. Chaa is one of those incredibly strong Thai women who carry whole families on their shoulders.

What a luck: Chaa agreed to work for us and spoiled Martin, Phasai, Jelly and all the guests with wonderful Thai, as well as Italian food. After I taught her a few Swiss specialties, she soon prepared them better than I could.

On Phasai’s or Ni’s day off, she helps with Martin’s showers, as well as with the therapies. Chaa is the calm, deliberate, loving soul on the team – without asking anything, she sees what needs to be done and does it with a smile on her face. She spoiled us all with her cooking and is definitely also a reason why Martin’s visitors loved to come for dinner.